How to capture video in an experiment

The Experimenter platform provides a means to capture video of a participant during an experiment, using the computer’s webcam.

To begin, you will want to add the VideoRecord mixin to your experiment frame. This provides, but does not in itself activate, the capability for your frame to record videos.

import ExpFrameBaseComponent from '../../components/exp-frame-base/component';
import VideoRecord from '../../mixins/video-record';

export default ExpFrameBaseComponent.extend(VideoRecord, {
    // Your code here

Within that frame, you will need some boilerplate that decides how to activate the recorder, and when to start recording. Below is an example from exp-video-physics, which starts recording immediately, and makes a copy of the recorder available on the component so that you can use additional helper methods (like show, hide, and getTime) as appropriate to deal with recording problems.

    didInsertElement() {

        if (this.get('experiment') && this.get('id') && this.get('session') && !this.get('isLast')) {
            let recorder = this.get('videoRecorder').start(this.get('videoId'), this.$('#videoRecorder'), {
                hidden: true
                record: true
            }).then(() => {
                this.set('recordingIsReady', true);
            recorder.on('onCamAccess', (hasAccess) => {
                this.sendTimeEvent('hasCamAccess', {
                    hasCamAccess: hasAccess
            recorder.on('onConnectionStatus', (status) => {
                this.sendTimeEvent('videoStreamConnection', {
                    status: status
            this.set('recorder', recorder);

Make sure to stop the recording when the user leaves the frame! You can ask the user to do this manually, or it can be done automatically via the following:

    willDestroyElement() { // remove event handler
        // Whenever the component is destroyed, make sure that event handlers are removed and video recorder is stopped
        if (this.get('recorder')) {
            this.get('recorder').hide(); // Hide the webcam config screen

        // Todo: make removal of event listener more specific (in case a frame comes between the video and the exit survey)


If you are building a new ember app on this platform from scratch, you will need to do some setup to make video recording work. Because this relies on licensed software, it is not part of the default repository to be checked out.

  1. Video recorder flash plugin (HDFVR): This is a Flash plugin that handles video recording. It requires a license; MIT can provide both the license and the required file. See install instructions for details.
  2. Config string: MIT must provide you with the values of WOWZA_PHP='{}' and WOWZA_ASP='{}' that you will need to place inside your .env file (as described in the project README file). This describes a WOWZA server backend that has been configured to receive and process video clips.
  3. If you encounter problems finding the HDFVR video plugin, you may need to add the following markup to your index.html file: <base href="/" />