Development: Custom Frames


You may find you have a need for some experimental component is not included in Experimenter already. The goal of this section is to walk through extending the base functionality with your own code.

We use the term ‘frame’ to describe the combination of JavaScript file and Handlebars HTML template that compose a block of an experiment.

Experimenter is composed of three main modules:

  • experimenter: the main Experimenter GUI
  • lib/exp-models: the data models used by experimenter and other applications
  • exp-player: the built-in rendering engine for experiments built in Experimenter

Generally, all ‘frame’ development will happen in the exp-player module. By nature of the way the Experimenter repository is structured, this will mean making changes in the experimenter/lib/exp-player directory. These changes can be committed as part of the exp-addons git submodule (installed under experimenter/lib)

Getting Started

One of the features of Ember CLI is the ability to provide ‘blueprints’ for code. These are basically just templates of all of the basic boilerplate needed to create a certain piece of code. To begin developing your own frame:

cd experimenter/lib/exp-player
ember generate exp-frame exp-<your_name>

Where <your_name> corresponds with the name of your choice.

A Simple Example

Let’s walk though a basic example of ‘exp-consent-form’:

$ ember generate exp-frame
installing exp-frame
  create addon/components/exp-consent-form/component.js
  create addon/components/exp-consent-form/template.hbs
  create app/components/exp-consent-form.js

Notice this created three new files:

  • addon/components/exp-consent-form/component.js: the JS file for your ‘frame’
  • addon/components/exp-consent-form/template.hbs: the Handlebars template for your ‘frame’
  • app/components/exp-consent-form.js: a boilerplate file that exposes the new frame to the Ember app- you will almost never need to modify this file.

Let’s take a deeper look at the component.js file:

import ExpFrameBaseComponent from 'exp-player/components/exp-frame-base/component';
import layout from './template';

export default ExpFrameBaseComponent.extend({
    type: 'exp-consent-form',
    layout: layout,
    meta: {
        name: 'ExpConsentForm',
        description: 'TODO: a description of this frame goes here.',
        parameters: {
            type: 'object',
            properties: {
                // define configurable parameters here
        data: {
            type: 'object',
            properties: {
                // define data to be sent to the server here

The first section:

import ExpFrameBaseComponent from 'exp-player/components/exp-frame-base';
import layout from './template';

export default ExpFrameBaseComponent.extend({
    type: 'exp-consent-form',
    layout: layout,

does several things:

  • imports the ExpFrameBaseComponent: this is the superclass that all ‘frames’ must extend
  • imports the layout: this tells Ember what template to use
  • extends ExpFrameBaseComponent and specifies layout: layout

Next is the ‘meta’ section:

    meta: {
        name: 'ExpConsentForm',
        description: 'TODO: a description of this frame goes here.',
        parameters: {
            type: 'object',
            properties: {
                // define configurable parameters here
        data: {
            type: 'object',
            properties: {
                // define data to be sent to the server here

which is comprised of:

  • name (optional): A human readable name for this ‘frame’
  • description (optional): A human readable description for this ‘frame’.
  • parameters: JSON Schema defining what configuration parameters this ‘frame’ accepts. When you define an experiment that uses the frame, you will be able to specify configuration as part of the experiment definition. Any parameters in this section will be automatically added as properties of the component, and directly accessible as propertyName from templates or component logic.
  • data: JSON Schema defining what data this ‘frame’ outputs. Properties defined in this section represent properties of the component that will get serialized and sent to the server as part of the payload for this experiment. You can get these values by binding a value to an input box, for example, or you can define a custom computed property by that name to have more control over how a value is sent to the server.

If you want to save the value of a configuration variables, you can reference it in both parameters and data. For example, this can be useful if your experiment randomly chooses some frame behavior when it loads for the user, and you want to save and track what value was chosen.

Building out the Example

Let’s add some basic functionality to this ‘frame’. First define some of the expected parameters:

    meta: {
        parameters: {
            type: 'object',
            properties: {
                title: {
                    type: 'string',
                    default: 'Notice of Consent'
                body: {
                    type: 'string',
                    default: 'Do you consent to participate in this study?'
                consentLabel: {
                    type: 'string',
                    default: 'I agree'

And also the output data:

    data: {
        type: 'object',
            properties: {
                consentGranted: {
                    type: 'boolean',
                    default: false

Since we indicated above that this ‘frame’ has a consentGranted property, let’s add it to the ‘frame’ definition:

export default ExpFrameBaseComponent.extend({
    consentGranted: null,
    meta: {

Next let’s update template.hbs to look more like a consent form:

<div class="well">
  <h1>{{ title }}</h1>
  <p> {{ body }}</p>
  <hr >
  <div class="input-group">
      {{ consentLabel }}
    {{input type="checkbox" checked=consentGranted}}
<div class="row exp-controls">
  <!-- Next/Last/Previous controls. Modify as appropriate -->
  <div class="btn-group">
    <button class="btn btn-default" {{ action 'previous' }} > Previous </button>
    <button class="btn btn-default pull-right" {{ action 'next' }} > Next </button>

We don’t want to let the participant navigate backwards or to continue unless they’ve checked the box, so let’s change the footer to:

<div class="row exp-controls">
  <div class="btn-group">
    <button class="btn btn-default pull-right" disabled={{ consentNotGranted }} {{ action 'next' }} > Next </button>

Notice the new property consentNotGranted; this will require a new computed field in our JS file:

    meta: {
    consentNotGranted: Ember.computed.not('consentGranted')

Tips and tricks

Tips for adding styles

You will probably want to add custom styles to your frame, in order to control the size, placement, and color of elements. Experimenter uses a common web standard called CSS for styles.*

To add custom styles for a pre-existing component, you will need to create a file <component-name.scss> in the addon/styles/components directory of exp-addons. Then add a line to the top of addon/styles/addon.scss, telling it to use that style. For example,

@import "components/exp-video-physics";

Remember that anything in exp-addons is shared code. Below are a few good tips to help your addon stay isolated and distinct, so that it does not affect other projects.

Here are a few tips for writing good styles:

  • Do not override global styles, or things that are part of another component. For example, exp-video-physics should not contain styles for exp-player, nor should it
    • If you need to style a button specifically inside that component, either add a second style to the element, or consider using nested CSS selectors.
  • Give all of the styles in your component a unique common name prefix, so that they don’t inadvertently overlap with styles for other things. For example, instead of some-video-widget, consider a style name like exp-myframe-video-widget.

* You may notice that style files have a special extension .scss. That is because styles in experimenter are actually written in SASS. You can still write normal CSS just fine, but SASS provides additional syntax on top of that and can be helpful for power users who want complex things (like variables).

When should I use actions vs functions?

Actions should be used when you need to trigger a specific piece of functionality via user interaction: eg click a button to make something happen.

Functions (or helper methods on a component/frame) should be used when the logic is shared, or not intended to be accessed directly via user interaction. It is usually most convenient for these methods to be defined as a part of the component, so that they can access data or properties of the component. Since functions can return a value, they are particularly helpful for things like sending data to a server, where you need to act on success or failure in order to display information to the user. (using promises, etc)

Usually, you should use actions only for things that the user directly triggers. Actions and functions are not mutually exclusive! For example, an action called save might call an internal method called this._save to handle the behavior and message display consistently.

If you find yourself using the same logic over and over, and it does not depend on properties of a particular component, consider making it a util!

If you are building extremely complex nested components, you may also benefit from reading about closure actions. They can provide a way to act on success or failure of something, and are useful for :